Maintenance of Systems Administration for Cyborgs


The Systems Administration for Cyborgs attempts to present information regarding the practice and strategy of systems administration that is of general interest to developers, junior systems administrators, and other technical audiences who are less familiar with systems administration. While this core content and approach will remain over time, technology changes, and administrators are always developing new conventions and approaches to new and old problems.

In an effort to keep Systems Administration for Cyborgs up to date and relevant to the problems of the day, the author and contributors will continue to update the text to reflect changes in practice and to remove inaccuracies and errors as possible.

Feel free to send pull requests or patches either on github or to the Cyborg Institute listserv. If needed, you can git hosting is available on institute servers for active contributors.

If you see an error or have an issue with any of the content in this resource please write an email to the listserv, and one of the existing maintainers or contributors will any required modification.


If you’re interested in contributing to this project, you may find the following information useful:

The Cyborg Institute Site.
For more information about the other projects, activities, and resources.
The Cyborg Institute Git Repositories is the conical source for all Cyborg Institute project repositories and resources.
Cyborg Institute Hosted Listservs provides forums for announcements of major releases and important news, as well as discussion of Cyborg Institute projects.
The Cyborg Institute Git Hub
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Cyborg Institute Issue Trackers (forthcoming)
Until proper issue tracking systems are available for Cyborg Institute projects, please

Release Information

This version of “Systems Administration for Cyborgs” was built from 3e2e46a951b3c51a2537bbe3a9653d8edcf49938. See the git repository for more detailed information regarding this revision and the change history. The git repository contains a makefile which encapsulates the build process.


In addition to improving the quality of “Systems Administration for Cyborgs” by catching stylistic errors, improving clarity, and fact checking the information presented, I’m interested in using “Systems Administration for Cyborgs” as a venue to disseminate tutorials, guides, and formal documentation of systems administration procedures and practices. If you’re interested in contributing to these kinds of guides post to the list and we can begin work instantly.

Maintainers and Contributors


If you work to maintain Systems Administration for Cyborgs, feel free to add your name to the following list.

Sam Kleinman
Initial author, current maintainer. (website)

Cyborg Systems

Table Of Contents

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Systems Administration for Cyborgs

Next topic

Fundamental Systems Administration Tools and Skills


Cyborg Institute is a collection of free software/open source projects and texts that address technological issues from a cyborg/humanist perspective.