dtf – Primary User Interface




Boolean. False by default. When True, dtf will silence output from passing tests.

See dtf --verbose


Boolean. False by default. When True, dtf will raise an exception and halt operation when a test fails, rather than continuing.


Boolean. False by default. When True, if a case provides support, dtf will return a passing test specification for any failed test.


String. None by default. Controls the parallelism model used by dtf. Valid possibilities are:

  • thread - run tests using thread pool. May provide better performance for suites that are I/O or computationally intensive (e.g. hashing.)
  • process - run tests using a multi-process worker pool. May provide better performance for suites with more complex Python cases.
  • None - run tests sequentially, with no parallelism..

Integer. 2 by default. The size of the worker pool used by the parallelism model defined by MULTI.


Boolean. False by default. When True dtf will run a single test rather than an entire suite. See run_one() for more information.


String. None by default. When SINGLE is true, the value of YAMLTEST specifies the location of the test specification.


String. None by default. When SINGLE is true, the value of CASEDEF specifies the location of the case definition.


String (i.e. file path.) In the default “suite” mode (i.e. when SINGLE is False,) this path points to the directory of cases (i.e. Python modules) that define test conditions.


String (i.e. file path.) In the default “suite” mode (i.e. when SINGLE is False,) this path points to the directory of tests (i.e. YAML specifications) that specify each test.